How Can You Improve Your DIY Scrub?

How Can You Improve Your DIY Scrub?

When it comes to scrubs, sometimes doing it yourself is the right way to go. There are plenty of effective body scrubs out there of course. But if you're looking to step up your game without spending a small fortune, here are a few tips to improve your DIY scrub.


Here are 4 Tips to Improve Your DIY Scrub:

#1 Add in Some Coffee

When picking the exfoliating ingredient for your DIY body scrub, coffee is always a strong choice. Natural coffee grounds just have the perfect exfoliating texture: Fine enough to treat the face right, yet coarse enough to give your body the aggressive rubdown that it needs. And the blend of antioxidants and caffeine provide a bounty of beneficial impacts for your skin.

#2 Use the Right Oil

You’ll need a carrier oil to make your DIY body scrub just the right consistency, so it’s important to choose wisely when picking one. Coconut oil, almond oil and olive oil are all excellent choices with a nice scent, nice consistency and a variety of added beneficial effects for the skin.

#3 Make It Smell Nice

Though essential oils may not be an active ingredient in your DIY body scrub, the nice scent that they impart adds to the relaxation of the treatment, which provides added benefit all on its own. Vanilla, lavender, mint, citrus and others are all excellent choices, depending on how they pair up with the other ingredients in your scrub.

#4 Be Aggressive

Finally, don’t be afraid to choose an exfoliating agent with a little more oomph to it, particularly if it’s intended to be used on the body and not the face. Sea salt, coffee and white sugar are all excellent choices that will leave your skin feeling soft and supple.

If you enjoyed learning how to improve your DIY body scrub, continue reading 5 100% Organic Home Remedies for Wrinkles.

At Kristals, we promote a lifestyle that combines spirituality with holistic skincare using gems like diamonds, gold, and sapphire. The result? Youthful radiance and balanced spiritual energy.

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